
Showing posts from October, 2019

Humanity vs God

Treat this as my disclaimer to all those who might get offended when they read unusual things about the almighty, I want all of those people to understand that I am in no way intending to offend their trust, faith or belief in whatever they believe in. According to the second definition of the word 'Humanity' as provided by Google Search Engine is, "the quality of being humane", but how about a little introspection and later, the realization of the sour fact that we don't really have that in us, not anymore. A common practice among India is to take something sweet with you whenever you go to a temple so that you can give it to your fellow mates after your ritual is done. As you enter the divine place where the holy soules reside, you may find some actual soules inside some very real looking people sitting right in front of the entrance of the temple and they are the beggars, then as you go further in, you may observe that there are a lot of incense sticks lit...

Thou art the future O’ Children

“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons. It is the most wonderful and crucial stage of our life. Did you know that childhood is the only time in our life when all kinds of activities aren't just permitted to us, but also expected from us? Stealing chocolates from the shelf, waking up late in the night yelling that you are hungry, being stubborn for little meaninigless things, and crying only when someone sees you. Well, that’s how it is, we make mistakes, we learn, we grow old, and then comes a time when we think about the quote I mentioned at the beginning of this article. We all say that we are the heir to the throne that our ancestors left for us, but that’s a big lie! We didn’t inherit these resources and comforts from our ancestors, instead, we’ve borrowed them from our children. We all will live for a few years and die, sucking up all kinds of resources mother earth has for us...

Believe In Yourself

Ever wondered about how those billionares reached that state in their lives? Was that because they had a lot of resources at their disposal or maybe because they were clever enough to sneak their way to the top or it was because of mere luck? The answer to all these questions is a big NO! The only difference between them and the rest is that they believed in themselves when nobody did, they never gave up on their dreams and kept rising even after failing for a thousand times! It's easy to dream about a reality that your wish to make yours, but it has never been and will never be easy to make that dream into your reality if you keep dreaming about it and fail to put efforts into converting that dream into a reality. Every single person has dreamt about how they want to live their life, what they want from life and how they want to spend it, but for most of those people, their dreams remain in a fictional reality only and never come into existence. It's good to dream, it...


If you're wondering about the title, then let me get straight at it and put forth before you, a phenomenon which only a few have understood so far. We spend our days working in small cubicles in some sector of industry or we are just too devoted in our respective daily chores that we forget to truly live our lives and keep on following our monotnous routines over and over again. If, for just a second, we try to think about what life is and how beautiful is the purpose of life that we are gifted with, maybe we'll start making the most of it rather than wasting our existence over deadline which was due the past week or maybe over the assignment that you forgot last semester! Being alive does not mean only to survive and co-exist with your fellow mates but it has something to offer for you too, it's only a matter of perspective, and when it changes, when your view about life changes and you really get a hold of what you have and are blessed with, maybe then you get t...