Thou art the future O’ Children
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons. It is the most wonderful and crucial stage of our life. Did you know that childhood is the only time in our life when all kinds of activities aren't just permitted to us, but also expected from us? Stealing chocolates from the shelf, waking up late in the night yelling that you are hungry, being stubborn for little meaninigless things, and crying only when someone sees you.
Well, that’s how it is, we make mistakes, we learn, we grow old, and then comes a time when we think about the quote I mentioned at the beginning of this article. We all say that we are the heir to the throne that our ancestors left for us, but that’s a big lie! We didn’t inherit these resources and comforts from our ancestors, instead, we’ve borrowed them from our children. We all will live for a few years and die, sucking up all kinds of resources mother earth has for us. Our ancestors did the same, and we keep on doing the same because sticking to our past has been our legacy. But we need to break this legacy and make amendments for the generations to come, after all, the future lies with them. Today’s children are tomorrows you and me. If we are going to hold on to the legacy passed on by our ancestors then we are surely going to pass them on to our children, and our children, are, the future.
So, let’s break the legacy, use the resources substantially. As father of our nation once remarked that “There is enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.”
Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons. It is the most wonderful and crucial stage of our life. Did you know that childhood is the only time in our life when all kinds of activities aren't just permitted to us, but also expected from us? Stealing chocolates from the shelf, waking up late in the night yelling that you are hungry, being stubborn for little meaninigless things, and crying only when someone sees you.
Well, that’s how it is, we make mistakes, we learn, we grow old, and then comes a time when we think about the quote I mentioned at the beginning of this article. We all say that we are the heir to the throne that our ancestors left for us, but that’s a big lie! We didn’t inherit these resources and comforts from our ancestors, instead, we’ve borrowed them from our children. We all will live for a few years and die, sucking up all kinds of resources mother earth has for us. Our ancestors did the same, and we keep on doing the same because sticking to our past has been our legacy. But we need to break this legacy and make amendments for the generations to come, after all, the future lies with them. Today’s children are tomorrows you and me. If we are going to hold on to the legacy passed on by our ancestors then we are surely going to pass them on to our children, and our children, are, the future.
So, let’s break the legacy, use the resources substantially. As father of our nation once remarked that “There is enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.”
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